Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm a Real Boy

In our little election administration world, we have a certification process.

To be a Certified Election/Registration Administrator means something.

Primarily, it means I've taken 12 12-hour courses, mostly delivered by faculty members at Auburn University.

It means following the footsteps of my predecessor, who practically invented the certification and administers the program.

It means I'm one of the cool kids.  Well, maybe.  It might be a sign I'm uncool.

CERA binders awaiting their innards in Auburn.
Regardless, it means I can now have the initials CERA after my name in election circles.

Graduation from the program was this week, although I couldn't attend in person at the Election Center's conference in Boston.  Another member of our office, Jeanie Nichols, also graduated and we joined Debbie Tyrrel in our office, who graduated two years ago.

When I was offered the position of Election Commissioner on the last day of 2004, our office had three CERA graduates.

Our CERA grads retired over the next few years, so it's nice for the office to have graduates of the program again.  We're trying to build new tiers of leaders in our office, so our objective moves to getting more of our employees involved in the program at various levels so that we are constantly a couple years away from another person becoming certified.

Courses include the history of elections, ethics, technology, leadership, and several others.  I've built many friendships during the 7 years of the courses, with peers and faculty members.  Congratulations to all in the class of 2012!

I took my last required class at Auburn in May.

