That's not unusual, but it was unusual in that the write-in winner received one vote.
One vote truly makes a difference when it is the only one cast.
We've all heard of votes for Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and the like, but this write-in made us remember a very important fact.
If the write in was for, say, Mickey Mouse, we first would have to see if there was anyone with the last name of Mouse registered: Michael Mouse, for instance, known as Mickey.
We're all exhausted after the election, so I thought it would be cruel to ask our staff to run special reports by city for unusual names that could be confused with fake names.
Thankfully, I guess, we were pondering this in Johnson County and not Topeka (Shawnee County, where I traveled Monday).
On my way to teach a class last night, I passed this bench advertisement for a State Farm agent: Chip Munk.
There are no words.
Even when writing a blog, there are no words.
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